Sunday, September 4, 2011

Music #99 - Change of Guards

Change of Guards

… for a change.

Most of them are free; please keep your change.  Let’s see which one impresses you most?

Liderança e sincronismo / excellent leading and synchronization

India-Pakistan border:

Wagah Attari Border Closing Ceremony



'Beat Retreat'
'Trooping the Color' - It’s HM's official birthday in 2011.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Music #98 - WW2 war songs -UK


The Battle of Britainaka the Air Battle for England,
was fought in the air mainly over the English Channel, 
to ward off the Nazi invasion.
(L) theme from the Battle of Britain (1959 movie)


Colonel Bogey March 

made popular by “Bridge on River Kwai” (1957 movie):


Battle of Dunkirk

330,000 servicemen were rescued 
from Dunkirk (France) to England, 
mostly by patriotic civilian yachts, fishing boats, etc. 
Later, they returned to France, 
to liberate western Europe. 
(Hitler might have been overconfident that this huge troop was well locked down at Dunkirk and would be a huge ransom to bend UK to his knees. 
Meanwhile the Nazi troops were busy heading towards Paris.)

(L) The inspirational leader whose speeches motivated the Britains during the war.
(R) The mathematical genius and his team who broke down the Nazi code, aided by his electro-mechanical computer. "It is estimated that breaking Enigma shortened the war by several years, and that around 14 to 21 million lives were saved due to Alan Turing's work."

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Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery
- nicknamed "Monty" and "The Spartan General"
- about him in WW2

After Monty had led the Allies gain an upper hand in the European Theater, Eisenhower took over his command.

(L) Victory Parade, on 10 June 1946, at London
(R) D-Day 75 : D-Day plus 75 years, at Portsmouth

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"Europe first", aka "Germany first"

"Since it was difficult for the USA to wage an effective fight on both the European and Pacific fronts simultaneously, Eisenhower proposed a defensive strategy on the Pacific front until the war in Europe was won." 
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"By the end of WWII, 
45,000,000 civilians had died worldwide and 
15,000,000 died in battle (including 
  416,800 U.S. military deaths,
  383,600 Great Britain military deaths, and
  5,533,000 German military deaths.)"

Music #97 - WW2 war songs -US

A few of the WW-II related songs from US 


The Marines' Hymn
Army Song
Anchors Aweigh (Navy)
Off we go into the Wild Blue Yonder (Air Force)
Armed Forces Medley 2018 

When Johnny Comes Marching Home - from the Civil War
Battle Hymn of the Republic - from the Civil War
St. Louis March - in The Glenn Miller (1953) movie    

USMC cadence songs
To the Color - a bugle call to render honors to the United States. It is used when no band is available to render honors, or in ceremonies requiring honors more than once. It commands all the same courtesies as the National Anthem.
Taps - time for bed (or RIP)

Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B
       - by “Burn the Floor” 
       - originally by the Andrews Sisters
       - I'll be with you in apple blossom time by Andrews Sisters
* Sing, Sing, Sing - Wartime dancing
* Candyman - Christina5 Aguilera co-wrote this WW2-themed swing jazz song.

The V-Day Kiss

John Philip Sousa (1854-1932)

- aka "The [American] March King"
The Thunderer
Semper Fidelis ("Always Faithful") 
- Official March of the US Marine Corps

Sousa at the White House in "The Stars & Stripes Forever” (1952 movie) 
- the first piece is Hail to the Chief (the personal anthem of the POTUS, adapted by James Sanderson from an original Scottish Gaelic melody)
- the last piece is Semper Fidelis

N.B. the U.S. national anthem is The Star Spangled Banner, with lyrics by Francis Scott Key, and melody by John Stafford Smith.

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General George S. Patton

“When we get to Berlin, 
I'm going to personally shoot 
that paper-hanging son of a bitch 
just like I would a snake.”

(L) story
(R) a trailer of Patton (1970 movie) 

(L) slideshow (with theme music from Patton movie)
(R) his tactics

* his funeral (silent video) 

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Nimitz enjoyed low profile, and did not seem to mind merits being stolen by others
theme from Battle of Midway (1976 movie) - one of the Pacific victories
(R)  Certificate of presence at the Japanese surrender

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- USA Chief of Staff during WWII
(R)  Marshall Plan after WWII and during the Cold War

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“Rise, Columbia!” 
- old American patriotic song

“Bonnie Blue Flag” 
- unofficial anthem of the Confederate States of America
- during the American Civil War

Official anthem of the Confederate States of America

Friday, September 2, 2011

Music #96 - WW2 war songs -SU

Soviet Union military songs in WW2 

Mainly because of the Cold War and stealing merits, the West belittled the effort and sacrifice made by USSR during WW2: 34 million Soviets were in services. 
       Further, 12 million Soviet servicemen and 15 million Soviet citizens (all included 1/3 of its male population) died, fighting against 200 German divisions
       Hitler started Operation Barbarossa (see illustration) with 5.5M servicemen, 5000 aircrafts, and 4300 tanks. 
       The stubborn and high-casualty resistance in Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad had bogged down and severely damaged the Nazi German corps. 
       The Allies' landing (125,000) in Normandy faced much less resistance. The Allies found themselves fighting against 10 German divisions, sometimes with older men and teenage boys (Hitler Youngun). 
        Four out of five Germans killed in the war were killed on the Eastern Front.

The Sacred War (or the Great Patriotic War ) against the Nazi invasion was bitter and passionate:
from a recent 'Songs of the War Years' concert  - note the audience standing   
(c.f. Chinese version)

It was said that before its invasion of USSR, Nazi Germany leaked a long list of 'pro-Germany' Soviet commanders, for the highly-suspicious Stalin to finish them off. In addition, to make Stalin think that the main German force was still preparing to invade the British Isles, messages were broadcast asking for English speakers, and lots of handbooks were published about the British way of life.

When the invasion (Operation Barbarossa) then broke out by surprise, Stalin was unprepared and had not many good commanders at his disposal. The Nazi armies rapidly got close to Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad.  

Excerpts from 'Stalingrad' (2013 movie) and 'Enemy at the Gates' (2001 movie) (highly recommended):

Zhukov escaped that political persecution, because he was away fighting the Japanese over Mongolia
Zhukov documentary
Now, whenever any one of the three defending cities was about to collapse, Stalin dispatched Zhukov to turn the situation around. Zhukov built faith and fame among the servicemen and the civilians, all to Stalin’s love and envy.

At Tokyo, Soviet agent Richard Sorge (with Germany background) became a trusted friend of the Germany ambassador to Japan. Sorge provided Stalin with the crucial information about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in Dec 1941. This enabled Stalin to move troops (34 Siberian regiments and around 100 Far East regiments) from the East to the West. (About 45,000 Korean refugees were recruited to the Red Army in the East to monitor any Japanese movements inside south-eastern Siberia.)

My Army (Армия моя)

March of the Defenders of Moscow

The Great Depression crippled USA and rippled to Germany (by recalling US debts which Germany needed to recover from WW-I) and other countries. Many unemployed engineers and technicians moved from USA and Germany to USSR to build and run steel mills, and factories for tractors and airplanes. The latter were transformed to roll out tanks and warplanes when the war broke out.
        During the war, the US was shipping thousands of tons of food to Great Britain and to the Soviet Union, along with military supplies.

Poljushko Polje / Steppe-O Steppe / Meadowlands - (Cossack Patrol)  - c.f. Chinese version

* "Farewell ... Remember us ... Not all of us will come back..."

(L) Shostakovich's Symphony No.8 - Mvt.3 of 5 - Allegro non troppo
(R) The Nazi invasion spurred Prokofiev to compose his operatic version of Tolstoy's War and Peace.

The famous Red Russian Army Choir singing the famous:
Kalinka with the Leningrad Cowboys
Those were the days with the Cowboys.  
 (This song has Russian origin!)
 (c.f. the huge 'banjo' / 'balalaika')
The Leningrad Cowboys are from FinlandMost Finns speak the Mongolian language, just as those Russians living next to the Ural Mountains that divide Europe and Asia.

From Aug 1943, the Soviets changed from defense to attack, and started to push the German invaders back. Famous for their bravery, the Cossacks inflicted fatal damages to the retreating Napoleonic Armêe then, and the Nazi-deutschen Korps now:

(L) The Cossacks Ride over Duna (River) --- far flung!
(R) The Cossacks -- Swell!

Dovator's Cossacks  
-- with tens of paintings on the tough war in USSR

Conquest of Berlin
In 1945, Stalin ordered Marshal Zhukov to take Berlin before May 1 at all costs, so that victory could be celebrated in the Labor Day parade in the Moscow Red Square. 
       In Berlin, the Soviet soldiers fought toughly and roughly, alleys by alleys, whilst the Allies stood by in the outskirts in attempt to capture any fleeing Nazis. 200,000 Russians died taking Berlin. The Soviets spotted Hitler's dead body and smuggled it home, so that the Am GIs could not see it.
- Berlin surrendered to USSR on May 2, 1945
Nazi Germany surrendered to the Allies at Reims of France on May 7, to the Allies and USSR at Berlin on May 8.

Finally, the Soviet Victory Parade on Jun 24, 1945

Zhukov appeared on a white stallion, to be cheered. (Initially, Stalin planned to do it himself; but during rehearsal he fell from the horse and got hurt.)
Captured Nazi German standards were thrown at the feet of Zhukov, not Stalin!. 

Zhukov songs
So, Zhukov got the greatest honor then, but a humble life afterwards. 

Despite the Cold War, top generals from the Allies insisted on visiting him in person, in hope to ensure their highly respected counterpart lived in reasonable shape.


Military Parade on Victory Day 2010

Part 1 – May 9, 10 a.m. – Moscow of the Russian Federation
* The Honor Guards marching to the 'Sacred War' March.
* (30:00) the WW2 Allies (British, American, French…) appeared in this Moscow parade for the very first time.

Military Parade on Victory Day 2014

* Moscow, with Putin presiding  1-minute version  
* Crimea + Putin visiting Crimea

 Cossacks Dance

Here is a comprehensive demo of the amazing
Cossacks dancing:
strong and skilful legs!! 

~ the Sacred War was tough  
(c.f. Chinese version)
Volga Boatmen  (Barge Haulers on the Volga)
- Ilia Repin in 1870-73
- oil on canvas (132 × 281 cm)
State Russian Museum (Saint Petersburg)

Decades after the war .....
Russia's 7 Most Important War Memorials

* The "Farewell Slavianka" March 



Soviet March 

- theme song from "Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3" (Video Game 2008) OST 
- with lyrics     
digital piano

Why Soviet songs sound Soviet?

Music #95 - WW2 war songs -DE

Nazi German military songs in WW2  

The Imperial Japanese and Nazi German soldiers were tough in the war. 
Military songs/music were part of the inspiration.  Let's get a feel. 

Some of the Nazi German military songs / Militärmarsch oder Wehrmachtslied :
Die Braune Kompanie
Viktoria Sieg Heil (The March of the Waffen SS)  
* The Glorious March

Erwin Rommel 
* one story - 1-hour documentary

What if
he stayed on duty on 6 June 1944, instead of celebrating his wife's birthday by her side?

Panzerlied (the tank song, Rommel's favorite, with bilingual lyrics) 
* Panzerlied (in the Battle of the Bulge movie )

American losses were so high (19,000 killed) 
in the Battle of the Bulge (lasting 6 weeks) 
that replacements were needed quickly.
Black American soldiers were finally accepted as front line fighting troops.

Surprise! The French Foreign Legion sings it, too.
Légion Étrangère - Kepi Blanc (chanson)  
Képi blanc
After WW2, many surviving German soldiers joined the French Foreign Legion and continued to sing their old German songs in French words.

The Fall of Berlin

Next, to get a feel of Hitler’s provocative and powerful speech delivery:



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Emulating Hitler, Charlie Chaplin has a different touch in The Great Dictator (1940) film:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Music #94 - WW2 war songs -JP

Imperial Japanese military songs

 (gunka/軍歌) in WW2

The Imperial Japanese and Nazi German armies were tough in the war. 
Military songs/music was part of the inspiration.  Let's get a feel.

Some of the Japanese gunka's
父よあなたは強かった  - you are tough, papa/husband/brother (when things get tough)
出征兵士を送る歌 - seeing the soldiers off to battlefield proudly
月月火水木金金  - the navy working 7 days a week 
軍艦行進曲 - the marines going through Malaysia to take Singapore
步兵の本領  - the infantry march
君が代行進曲 - The Kimigayo March 
大東亜決戦の歌 -  Battle Song of the Greater East Asia 
嗚呼神風特別攻撃隊 - final farewell to Kamikaze (flying human bombs - following enemy bombers back to their carriers)
Bicycle Corps Theme Song   
日本軍の勝利は1937年南京行進 - Victory Procession in Nanking 1937
from the "Nanjing Nanjing" (南京 南京) movie (2009)

Isoroku Yamamoto (山本五十六) shot down
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was the mastermind of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Before he was shot down, his itinerary was radioed in plain text (on purpose!?), and intercepted by US Navy. 
Isoroku means 56 in Japanese: he was thus named because when he was born as the 6th son, his father (a samurai) was 56 years old.

Music #93 - Battle Cries

New Zealand’s haka 

Haka means “Maori dance”, one that was traditionally performed at the onset of war  to unite the people in anger and courage. 
        They try to scare away enemies by widely opening up their eyes, sticking out their tongues long, howling hostile words, stomping their own chests, and stamping their feet on the ground, etc. 
        There are several types of haka, but Ka Mate is the most popular.
(L) adopted in rugby games
(R) voluntary army in NZ
The use of ancient full facial tattoos has recently become an art form, many men now tattooing their faces and bodies.

The Zulu war chants 

in south Africa
from the ‘Zulu’ movie (1964) - about the Battle of Rorke's Drift 


Ancient China

The Qin army (260 BC) in the Hero (2002) movie

* Water Margins (2011) - A classic novel about a bunch of outlaws turned militia, which was later incorporated into regular services. It was customary for Song Dynasty soldiers to be sworn brothers-in-arms. The word brother ('xiong-di') is a refrain in the bromance lyrics.
     To the band of brothers: 
'.....As brothers in this life, we'd have different surnames.....
As brothers in the next life, we'll have the same mother.' 
- still different surnames!

Three Kingdoms (2010) - the war cries put together in this TV series on a classic novel. 關羽斬華雄

Modern China

* China Men 中國男兒: a song of Japanese origin, plugged in Chinese lyrics in 1901
* L'Internationale 國際歌
* Yellow River Concerto 黄河协奏曲
* March of the Volunteers 義勇軍進行曲
* Guerillas Song: 
Three Rules & Eight Notices 三大紀律八項注意
* Fare the Red Army Well Ten Times 十送紅軍
* (National Day parade to) The PLA March 解放軍進行曲  
Chinese People's Volunteers (to Korea) battle song 中国人民志愿军战歌

* 草原女民兵 (芳華 2017 電影)

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"We Will Rock You"
* In A Knight's Tale  (2001 movie)
Queen + Paul Rodgers
(L) We Will Rock You     (R) We Are the Champions