- aka "Great Mass in C minor" / "Große Messe in c-Moll", K.427
It is a musical setting of the Mass by Mozart. The large-scale work... remained unfinished. Even so, it has been ranked as one of the three greatest Mass settings, with Bach's Mass in B Minor, and Beethoven's Missa Solemnis.
outside the Alice Millar Chapel |
inside the Alice Millar Chapel |
Totaling 44 minutes
= = = = =
Or, appreciation by sections:
Gloria / Glory
- Gloria in excelsis Deo / Glory to God in the highest
- Laudamus te / We praise you
- Gratias agimus tibi / Thank you
- Domine Deus / O God
- Qui tollis / You who raise
- Quoniam tu solus / For you only
- Jesu Christe – Cum Sancto Spiritu
- Credo in unum Deum / …… in one God
- Et incarnatus est / and power
- Benedictus qui venit / Blessed is He who comes
Totaling about 50 minutes.
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