Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Music #365 - Bizet

In a career cut short by his early death, this French composer mainly of operas, achieved few successes before his final work, Carmen.   


Bizet is well-known for his opera (in French) Carmen, the name of this wild factory gypsy girl in Sèville (/səˈvɪl/), Spain.
- Opera comique - with French subtitles 
- Topless performers

Some well-known extracts:
Habanera: L'amour est un oiseau rebelle  (Love is a rebellious bird)
Seguidilla: Près de remparts de Sèville  (Near the ramparts of Seville)
Avec La Garde Montante  (Street Boys March)
Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre  (Your toast, I can make it)

- love tragedy in ballet presentation
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6

Act 1 - Romance, No. 4 - Nadir's aria
Je crois entendre encore / I think I still hear song 
- by Alain Vanzo - with French lyrics to sing along 
- by Yasuharu Nakajima - with English subtitles 
- by David Gilmour - a modern interpretation
 It is simply beautiful. 

was completed by Bizet at age 17.
Ricardo Araujo conducting  
Totaling about 38 minutes
Professor Rogoff gives an interesting briefing on Symphony in C.

In 1947, George Balanchine adopted Symphony in C to ballet, as beautifully performed by the following companies:
Houston Ballet   (cute dolly ballerinas)
Miami City Ballet:   Part 1   Part 2   
See the ballerinas' chopstick legs in amazingly beautiful ballet movements?

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