Saturday, December 30, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
導賞 Poulenc
Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)
如细心的看上面的四个乐谱,还会发现它们的拍子在变;如第一首,从4/4变为6/4,等等。其实当代有流行 每造一新句歌词 都可能变变拍子![可怜] 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4 随机应变[惊讶]
又:Poulenc 是法国 Les Six / 六人组成员,目的是发展和维护法国音乐风格,对抗德国的音乐文化侵略。
如细心的看上面的四个乐谱,还会发现它们的拍子在变;如第一首,从4/4变为6/4,等等。其实当代有流行 每造一新句歌词 都可能变变拍子![可怜] 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4 随机应变[惊讶]
又:Poulenc 是法国 Les Six / 六人组成员,目的是发展和维护法国音乐风格,对抗德国的音乐文化侵略。
導賞 Palestrina
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c.1525-1594)
以下四个视频,都是同一首歌 O Crux Ave (四声部 SATB)。大可续个跟着试试唱,看看你较适合唱那个声部。
导师组织六位年青歌手 示范 当代的多声部(polyphony)清唱,使我大开耳界和眼界,好棒!
BBC纪录片 Sacred Music - Palestrina & the Popes。
以下四个视频,都是同一首歌 O Crux Ave (四声部 SATB)。大可续个跟着试试唱,看看你较适合唱那个声部。
BBC纪录片 Sacred Music - Palestrina & the Popes。
Miserere Mei Deus
《天主怜悯我》Miserere Mei Deus
Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652) 作曲
【视频1】The Sistine Chapel choir
【视频3】The Sixteen choir
【视频2】SSATB 曲谱
曲谱写给两个合唱班清唱:SSATB 和 SATB,共九声部。而SATB是SSATB的简化版,稍延后 和着SSATB唱。歌词来自Psalm 51(50)经文。
14岁的Mozart,预早暗熟经文也不奇,但去梵蒂冈Sistine Chapel 听一次便能回旅馆默下全谱,再回去多听一次,便能确认和更正小错误。不消说,神童也!
又: 十六合唱团 / The Sixteen choir
Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652) 作曲
【视频1】The Sistine Chapel choir
【视频3】The Sixteen choir
【视频2】SSATB 曲谱
曲谱写给两个合唱班清唱:SSATB 和 SATB,共九声部。而SATB是SSATB的简化版,稍延后 和着SSATB唱。歌词来自Psalm 51(50)经文。
14岁的Mozart,预早暗熟经文也不奇,但去梵蒂冈Sistine Chapel 听一次便能回旅馆默下全谱,再回去多听一次,便能确认和更正小错误。不消说,神童也!
又: 十六合唱团 / The Sixteen choir
Movie Theme 2017#7 - Titanic
《泰坦尼克号》Titanic (1997)
# James Cameron 编剧
# James Cameron 导演
# James Horner 创作音乐
# 服装
Horner 无心插柳 柳成荫,My Heart Will Go On 和 Celine Dion 双双爆红。
《泰坦尼克号》Titanic (1997)
# James Cameron 编剧
# James Cameron 导演
# James Horner 创作音乐
# 服装
Horner 无心插柳 柳成荫,My Heart Will Go On 和 Celine Dion 双双爆红。
与其导师说是“传奇的人生" ,不如我说是“轰烈的几天情"。????没人把房门、餐桌等拆下当浮板用?????
“ 赌赢那张船票 是我这一生最幸运的事,它让我遇见了你。”
又: "There was a fire on the Titanic before she sailed:-
"One theory claims there was a fire on board the Titanic before she sailed and there are old photos proving so. Supposedly it was John Dilley a fireman working on the Titanic who stated in an interview that there was a fire that raged for 5 days in bunker 6. The fire story was suppressed to protect the reputation of the company. The fire weakened the Titanic to withstand the damage done from the Iceberg."
“ 赌赢那张船票 是我这一生最幸运的事,它让我遇见了你。”
又: "There was a fire on the Titanic before she sailed:-
"One theory claims there was a fire on board the Titanic before she sailed and there are old photos proving so. Supposedly it was John Dilley a fireman working on the Titanic who stated in an interview that there was a fire that raged for 5 days in bunker 6. The fire story was suppressed to protect the reputation of the company. The fire weakened the Titanic to withstand the damage done from the Iceberg."
Movie Theme 2017#6 - Hilary & Jackie
《她比烟花寂寞》 Hilary & Jackie (1998)
# Jacqueline du Pré 演奏家人生
# 其姊Hilary及弟Piers 合著及编剧
Jacqueline du Pré /杜普蕾 (1945-1987,英国) 大提琴手,16岁迅速成名,22岁结 婚,28岁患上MS,42岁离世。一套无助的悲剧人生。
她的大提琴是由意大利名家 Stradivarius 在1712年制的 Davidov,由隐名者送赠,她死后传给马友友。
她的丈夫是著名的钢琴家,后来成为指挥家的 Daniel Barenboim,是华裔钢琴家傅聪(!)在他伦敦的家 介绍他俩认识的。内有他俩合奏的大胶唱片封套的相片
她患的MS (multiple sclerosis/多发性肌肉硬化症) 无防无治,很折腾病人及其家人。
《她比烟花寂寞》 Hilary & Jackie (1998)
# Jacqueline du Pré 演奏家人生
# 其姊Hilary及弟Piers 合著及编剧
Jacqueline du Pré /杜普蕾 (1945-1987,英国) 大提琴手,16岁迅速成名,22岁结 婚,28岁患上MS,42岁离世。一套无助的悲剧人生。
她的大提琴是由意大利名家 Stradivarius 在1712年制的 Davidov,由隐名者送赠,她死后传给马友友。
她的丈夫是著名的钢琴家,后来成为指挥家的 Daniel Barenboim,是华裔钢琴家傅聪(!)在他伦敦的家 介绍他俩认识的。内有他俩合奏的大胶唱片封套的相片
她患的MS (multiple sclerosis/多发性肌肉硬化症) 无防无治,很折腾病人及其家人。
Movie Theme 2017#4 - Forrest Gump
《阿甘正传》Forrest Gump (1994)
# W Groom 原著; E Roth 改編
# Robert Zemeckis 执导
# Alan Silvestri 配乐
电影将美国在1944年至90年代发生的事抽选,而发生在一个主角身上。Silvestri 配上当年流行歌曲,加上自创一(两?)首音乐,共约50首,长短轻重不一,老美会较觉怀旧,我等熟悉的不足十首。
凑合一串串事件发生在阿甘身上,是一个有娱乐性 不平凡的人生;凑合五十首歌曲音乐,就觉杂乱无章了。但粉丝们还是把发行的音乐OST光盘买个清光。[耶]
《阿甘正传》Forrest Gump (1994)
# W Groom 原著; E Roth 改編
# Robert Zemeckis 执导
# Alan Silvestri 配乐
电影将美国在1944年至90年代发生的事抽选,而发生在一个主角身上。Silvestri 配上当年流行歌曲,加上自创一(两?)首音乐,共约50首,长短轻重不一,老美会较觉怀旧,我等熟悉的不足十首。
凑合一串串事件发生在阿甘身上,是一个有娱乐性 不平凡的人生;凑合五十首歌曲音乐,就觉杂乱无章了。但粉丝们还是把发行的音乐OST光盘买个清光。[耶]
Movie Theme 2017#3 - Lawrence of Arabia
《沙漠梟雄》Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
# T.E. Lawrence 自传改编
# David Lean 导演
# Maurice Jarre 音乐
如看着电影听主题曲,会更有感觉。音乐以西乐为基础,装点阿拉伯色彩,老外很受用。电影拿了 Oscar最佳原创音乐奖/ Best Original Score,自此改变了Maurice Jarr 的人生。
# 主角 Peter O'Toole 没拿奖
本事:大英的一个普通军官,巧合的碰上和领着几群各自有小算盘的游牧民族,竟然攻下 鄂图曼帝国/Ottoman Empire 一个要塞。回英国后又傻兮兮的死了,好一个 政治梟雄的人生!
AMI 评它为20世纪第五最伟大电影。
British Film Institute 1999年票选它为一百部伟大电影中 位列第三。
# T.E. Lawrence 自传改编
# David Lean 导演
# Maurice Jarre 音乐
如看着电影听主题曲,会更有感觉。音乐以西乐为基础,装点阿拉伯色彩,老外很受用。电影拿了 Oscar最佳原创音乐奖/ Best Original Score,自此改变了Maurice Jarr 的人生。
# 主角 Peter O'Toole 没拿奖
本事:大英的一个普通军官,巧合的碰上和领着几群各自有小算盘的游牧民族,竟然攻下 鄂图曼帝国/Ottoman Empire 一个要塞。回英国后又傻兮兮的死了,好一个 政治梟雄的人生!
AMI 评它为20世纪第五最伟大电影。
British Film Institute 1999年票选它为一百部伟大电影中 位列第三。
Movie Theme 2107#2 - Gone with the Wind
《乱世佳人》Gone with the Wind (1939)
# Margaret Mitchell 原著
# Victor Fleming 导演
# Max Steiner 配乐
电影描述美国南北(黑奴解放)战爭中乱世的一面,两对男女的离离合合的人生,和文明的随风而逝 -- (a civilization has) gone with the wind。
# 女主角 女神 Vivien Leigh
# 男主角 男神 Clark Gable
AMI 评它为20世纪第四最伟大电影。
《乱世佳人》Gone with the Wind (1939)
# Margaret Mitchell 原著
# Victor Fleming 导演
# Max Steiner 配乐
电影描述美国南北(黑奴解放)战爭中乱世的一面,两对男女的离离合合的人生,和文明的随风而逝 -- (a civilization has) gone with the wind。
# 女主角 女神 Vivien Leigh
# 男主角 男神 Clark Gable
AMI 评它为20世纪第四最伟大电影。
Movie Theme 2017#1 - The Great Waltz
《翠堤春晓》The Great Waltz (1938)
# 圆舞曲 / waltz 十首
# 约翰·史特劳斯 / Johann Strauss (1825-1899) 圆舞曲大王 的人生
Friday, December 22, 2017
Ballet 2017#10
《风流寡妇》The Merry Widow ballet
# Franz Lehar 原著轻歌剧# Roland Hynd 改编为舞
# Franz Lehar 原著音乐
故事: 法国巴黎亿万富翁银行家格瓦利去世后,给年轻的妻子汉娜留下了一笔5000万法郎的遗产。为使这部巨款不会流到国外,政府派驻法国大使馆武官达尼洛亲王去求婚。达尼洛发现汉娜原来就是自己原来的情人。达尼洛出于尊严,拒绝向汉娜求婚,而汉娜却仍爱着达尼洛。汉娜根据老银行家的遗嘱,自愿放弃遗产,这才使达尼洛答应了他们的婚事。当这对有情人举办婚礼时,按照规定,这笔遗产又转入了达尼洛的名下。
这是今年导赏系列的压轴戏,是最精彩的,欢乐热鬧、排着各式舞蹈给你欣赏。值得找视频 预时间 好好欣赏。
Ballet 2017#09
《冬天的故事》The Winter's Tale
# Shakespeare 原著
# Christopher Wheeldon 編现代舞
# Joby Talbot 音乐
Wheeldon 说法
《冬天的故事》The Winter's Tale
# Shakespeare 原著
# Christopher Wheeldon 編现代舞
# Joby Talbot 音乐
Wheeldon 说法
Ballet 2017#08
《胡桃夹子》The Nutcracker (美国版)
# A Dumas pete 改編 Hoffman 原著
# George Balanchine (美) 编舞
# Tchaikovsky 音乐
The Hard Nut (美国新舞版)
# Mark Morris (美) 编新舞
Ballet 2017#07
《驯悍记》Taming of the Shrew
# Shakespeare (英)原著改编
# Jean-Christophe Maillot (法)编舞
# Shostakovich (苏)多首乐曲
台上话剧 现代舞 电影,还是较喜欢电影,虽然近镜看到男女主角是高龄演(青)少年角色。
《驯悍记》Taming of the Shrew
# Shakespeare (英)原著改编
# Jean-Christophe Maillot (法)编舞
# Shostakovich (苏)多首乐曲
台上话剧 现代舞 电影,还是较喜欢电影,虽然近镜看到男女主角是高龄演(青)少年角色。
Ballet 2017#06
#Michel Fokine 编舞(古典)
#Igor Stravinsky 配乐(现代)
In Slavic mythology and folklore, the Firebird is a magical and prophetic glowing or burning bird from a faraway land, which is both a blessing and a harbinger of doom to its captor.
《牧神的午后》Afternoon of a Faun
#Stephane Mallarme 原著(诗篇)
#Jerome Robbins 编舞(现代)
#Claude Debussy 音乐(印象派)
"The Afternoon of a Faun" is a poem by the French author Stéphane Mallarmé. It describes the sensual experiences of a faun who has just woken up from his afternoon sleep and discusses his encounters with several nymphs during the morning in a dreamlike monologue.
#Michel Fokine 编舞(古典)
#Igor Stravinsky 配乐(现代)
《牧神的午后》Afternoon of a Faun
#Stephane Mallarme 原著(诗篇)
#Jerome Robbins 编舞(现代)
#Claude Debussy 音乐(印象派)
Source: Wikipedia
Ballet 2017#05
《安娜·卡列尼娜》Anna Karenina
#Tolstoy / 托尔斯泰 原著
#Alexei Ratmansky 编舞
#Rodion Shchedrin 音乐
#Boris Eifman 编舞
#Tchaikovsky 多首音乐
打赌同学们都看过苏菲玛索/Sophie Marceau饰演的Anna Karenina电影
《安娜·卡列尼娜》Anna Karenina
#Tolstoy / 托尔斯泰 原著
#Alexei Ratmansky 编舞
#Rodion Shchedrin 音乐
#Boris Eifman 编舞
#Tchaikovsky 多首音乐
打赌同学们都看过苏菲玛索/Sophie Marceau饰演的Anna Karenina电影
Ballet 2017#04
《仲夏夜幻梦》The Dream
#莎士比亚 原著《仲夏夜之梦》
#Frederick Ashton 编舞
#Mendelssohn 音乐
《布兰诗歌》Carmina Burana
#德国布兰修道院 珍藏诗歌
#David Bintley 编舞
#Carl Orff 编清唱剧(cantata)
《仲夏夜幻梦》和《布兰诗歌》各自一个小时,搭成double bill,耗一个晚上。
《仲夏夜幻梦》The Dream
#莎士比亚 原著《仲夏夜之梦》
#Frederick Ashton 编舞
#Mendelssohn 音乐
《布兰诗歌》Carmina Burana
#德国布兰修道院 珍藏诗歌
#David Bintley 编舞
#Carl Orff 编清唱剧(cantata)
清唱剧:音乐和歌唱非常动听,采用了24段诗词来创作,共有25个乐章;第1和第25乐章皆为同一首曲 "O Fortuna",这一首曲经常被电影、电视和广告片用作配乐。
《仲夏夜幻梦》和《布兰诗歌》各自一个小时,搭成double bill,耗一个晚上。
Ballet 2017#03
《茶花女》Lady of the Camellias
#Dumas, fils 原著
#John Neumeier 編舞
#Chopin 音樂
《茶花女》Lady of the Camellias
#Dumas, fils 原著
#John Neumeier 編舞
#Chopin 音樂
Ballet 2017#02
《仙女们》Les sylphides (aka Chopiniana)
# 苗条的仙女们林中起舞:由一男三女及十多名女舞者演出 半小时的短篇 无故事情节 古典 白色芭蕾 独幕剧。
# 音乐 : 採用Chopin/萧邦 七首乐曲,因此该剧的别名是 Chopiniana。
#故事背景:波斯王憎恨妃子不忠,决定以后娶妃子 洞房后第二天便杀;新妃子Scheherazade 为了生存,讲故事,王上听得过瘾,结果讲了一千零一夜,王上也爱上这妃子,封她为后。
#编舞 : Michel Fokine ; 此首有情节的芭蕾舞独幕剧,就是天方夜谭的第一个故事。
#音乐 : 采用 Rimsky-Korsakov 的同名交响乐组曲 其中三个乐章。
《仙女们》Les sylphides (aka Chopiniana)
# 苗条的仙女们林中起舞:由一男三女及十多名女舞者演出 半小时的短篇 无故事情节 古典 白色芭蕾 独幕剧。
# 音乐 : 採用Chopin/萧邦 七首乐曲,因此该剧的别名是 Chopiniana。
#故事背景:波斯王憎恨妃子不忠,决定以后娶妃子 洞房后第二天便杀;新妃子Scheherazade 为了生存,讲故事,王上听得过瘾,结果讲了一千零一夜,王上也爱上这妃子,封她为后。
#编舞 : Michel Fokine ; 此首有情节的芭蕾舞独幕剧,就是天方夜谭的第一个故事。
#音乐 : 采用 Rimsky-Korsakov 的同名交响乐组曲 其中三个乐章。
Ballet 2017#01
《唐·吉诃德》Don Quixote
# 编舞家 Rudolf Nureyev after Marius Petipa
是 classical full-length story ballet,运用大量哑剧 (mime) 动作交待情节。
故事靠吉诃德(Quixote)先生(don)两主仆的开场及收场,此外 两老并没有其它戏份或任何舞踏。实是掛他的大(笨)名,卖的是另一个爱情喜剧: 少女爱上村里浪漫的 但穷的理发师,而违抗父愿嫁阔中。
吉诃德不就是那位拿着 lance 还想打freelance工 当保安 的老武士,结果骑着老马与磨坊的大风车较量,跟不上早已进入了用火枪 (musket) 和开大炮的热兵器时代。
《唐·吉诃德》Don Quixote
# 编舞家 Rudolf Nureyev after Marius Petipa
是 classical full-length story ballet,运用大量哑剧 (mime) 动作交待情节。
故事靠吉诃德(Quixote)先生(don)两主仆的开场及收场,此外 两老并没有其它戏份或任何舞踏。实是掛他的大(笨)名,卖的是另一个爱情喜剧: 少女爱上村里浪漫的 但穷的理发师,而违抗父愿嫁阔中。
吉诃德不就是那位拿着 lance 还想打freelance工 当保安 的老武士,结果骑着老马与磨坊的大风车较量,跟不上早已进入了用火枪 (musket) 和开大炮的热兵器时代。
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Painting #D08 - Elizabeth I
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The Armada Portrait - George Gower (1540-1596, English) - oil on canvas (133 x 105 cm) c.1588 - Woburn Abbey (Bedfordshire) |
Behind her top right, the Spanish Armada fleet gathers in the summer of 1588, with the misson to defeat England and overthrow the Queen.
Behind her top left, the Spanish fleet founders in stormy English waters. (And then Spain was no longer strong.)
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The Rainbow Portrait - Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger (1561-1635, Flemish-English) & Isaac Oliver (1556-1617, British) - oil on canvas (127 x 99 cm) c.1600-02 - Hatfield House (Hertfordshire) |
* (Msg 2) The pearls, everywhere, symbolise purity --- of the Virgin Queen.
* (Msg 3) On her sleeve is an encrusted serpent (wisdom) with an orb (power) above and a little heart(emotion)-shaped ruby below --- Her heart being controlled by wisdom.
* (Msg 4) The golden robe was painted ears and eyes --- as queen, I have eyes and ears everywhere --- nothing you do will not be noticed by my loyal servants.
Face & history revealed
HM contracted smallpox and recovered: for the rest of her life she used heavy makeup to cover up facial scarring and a wig to cover her baldness.
Painting #D07 - Franz Joseph
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Princess Sophie of Bavaria with Her Son, Franz Joseph - Joseph Karl Stieler (1781-1858, German) - oil in 1832 - Hofburg Imperial Museum (Vienna) |
On his paternal side: his grandfather was Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor; his eldest aunt was Marie-Louise, second queen consort of Napoleon I; his elder uncle was Ferdinand I, Emperor of Austria.
His elder uncle had no issues and passed the throne to him.
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Emperor Franz Joseph I in a Field Marshal's uniform in the Hungarian style - Mihály von Munkacsy (1846-1900, German) - oil (97 × 72 cm) 1896 - Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna) |
Franz Joseph I of Austria (1830-1848-1916) married beautiful Empress Elizabeth of Austria (1837-1854-1898), giving birth to 1 son and 3 daughters.
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Empress Elisabeth of Austria - Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805–1873, German) - oil (300 × 216 cm) 1865 - Hofburg Imperial Palace (Vienna) |
His domains were ruled peacefully for 45 years, although Franz Joseph personally suffered the tragedy of ...... the suicide of his only son and heir, Crown Prince Rudolf in 1889……
(Crown Price Rudolf died in a suicide pact with his mistress, Baroness Mary Vetsera, at the Mayerling hunting lodge.)
Further, Franz Joseph personally suffered the tragedy of ...... the assasination of his wife, Empress Elisabeth in 1898.
Finally, the assassination of his next heir, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, a nephew, triggered the Great War in Europe, or World War I.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Painting #D06 - Empress Marie-Louise
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Marriage of Napoleon I and Marie Louise (2 April 1810, Louvre chapel) - Georges Rouget (1783–1869, French) - oil on canvas (185 x 182 cm) 1810 - Versailles (Paris) |
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Empress Marie-Louise and her son Napoleon, King of Rome - François Gérard (1770-1837) - oil (240 × 162 cm) in 1813 - Château de Versailles |
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King of Rome / Roi de Rome - Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830, English) - oil (58 × 49 cm) 1818-1819 - Fogg Museum (Harvard U) |
When N was exiled to Elba in 1814-1815, the powers refused to entertain his wish to pass the throne to his son; she then took her son eventually back to Austria and refused to see N ever again.
In 1820, her father Emperor Francis of Austria went to the opera in Venice (part of the empire then) with her. "The audience were clamorous in their applause, and so particular in directing it to the ex-empress, that, as the best way of appeasing the tumult, Marie Louise quitted the theatre. The audience, however, rose with her, and accustomed her home, leaving the the emperor of Austria in a most humiliating position."
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Napoleon II, aka Duke of Reichstadt - Leopold Bucher (1797-1858, Austrian) - (33 x 22 cm) in 1832 - Musée national des châteaux de Malmaison et Bois-Préau |
Titular Napoleon II (1811-1832) had no empire nor kingdom to inherit. He lived a short life, and died of tuberculosis at 21, without any children.
After N's death, Marie-Louise remarried and had 3 more children. When widowed the second time, she got married the third time.
After N's death, Marie-Louise remarried and had 3 more children. When widowed the second time, she got married the third time.
Source: Wikipedia
Painting #D05 - Empress Josephine
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Joséphine in coronation costume - François Gérard (1770-1837, French) - oil (214×161 cm) c.1807-1808 - Musée national du Château de Fontainebleau |
"Her marriage to Napoleon I was her second; her first husband Alexandre de Beauharnais was guillotined during the Reign of Terror." Before the jailed Josephine's turn could happen, the Reign of Terror was ended by guillotining Robespierre. Her two children by Alexandre were Eugene and Hostense.
N first met J when she brought Eugene boy to receive Alexandre's sword returned via General N, who fell head-over-heel in love with J. Very charming and well connected, she introduced N to high society. In 1796, widowed J married N, 6 years younger than she.
In 1799 Josephine fell from a balcony that collapsed and sustained injuries that made child-bearing impossible. They were divorced in 1809 when Josephine (aged 46 then) could not give birth an heir to N's throne.
In 1810 N married Marie Louise (aged 18 then) of Austria, who in the following year gave birth to a healthy son also named Napoleon and named King of Rome.
Hortense married Napoleon's younger brother Louis, and gave birth to 3 sons:
- Napoleon Charles (1802-1807)
- Napoleon Louis (1804-1831)
The divorce was quite amicable. N insisted that J should retain the title of Empress and maintain her court at Malmaison:
While N was in exile on the island of Elba: (1) Louis XVIII (brother of Louis XVI) was on good terms with J; (2) J later died of deadly pneumonia. When the death news reached N at Elba, he locked himself up in a room for two days (to mourn).
Finally, when N himself died in exile to the island of St Helena, his last words were, "France, l'armée, tête d'armée, Joséphine". N never stopped loving J, but N had stopped respecting J, because J had not stopped seeing other men.
"Through her son, Eugène, she was the great-grandmother of later Swedish and Danish kings and queens. The reigning houses of Belgium, Norway and Luxembourg also descend from her."
"Through her daughter Hortense, Josephine was the maternal grandmother of Napoléon III."
While N was in exile on the island of Elba: (1) Louis XVIII (brother of Louis XVI) was on good terms with J; (2) J later died of deadly pneumonia. When the death news reached N at Elba, he locked himself up in a room for two days (to mourn).
Finally, when N himself died in exile to the island of St Helena, his last words were, "France, l'armée, tête d'armée, Joséphine". N never stopped loving J, but N had stopped respecting J, because J had not stopped seeing other men.
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Eugène de Beauharnais - Andrea Appiani, 1810 |
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Hortense de Beauharnais - François Gérard |
Hortense married Napoleon's younger brother Louis, and gave birth to 3 sons:
- Napoleon Charles (1802-1807)
- Napoleon Louis (1804-1831)
- Charles-Louis Napoleon (1808-1873)
The youngest son managed to make himself Napoleon III of France, Emperor of the Second French Empire.
Queen Hortense with her second son, Prince Napoléon Louis.
Portrait by François Gérard, 1807
Portrait by François Gérard, 1807
Portrait of Napoleon III
- Franz Xaver Winterhalter
- oil on canvas (240 × 155 cm) 1853
- lost, several copies extant
Source: Wikipedia
Painting #D04 - Coronation of Napoleon
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Coronation of Napoleon I - Jacques-Louis David (French, 1748–1825) - oil (621×979 cm) 1805-1807 - Louvre (Paris) |
N established a new royal family and a new nobility, around himself. His brothers and sisters were made rulers of his conquered states. Most of his siblings were in this painting. (His father had died.) His mother and elder brother Joseph were painted in, although they were absent from the ceremony, having disagreements with N.
In the inauguration, N took the crown from the Pope's hands and crowned himself. Then, N crowned his wife, whilst Pope Pius VII was seated, as in the painting.
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Napoleon in Coronation Robes - Francois Gerard |
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Napoleon I on his Imperial Throne - Ingress in 1806 |
Painting #D03 - The Death of Marat
"On 13 July 1793, journalist Jean-Paul Marat was assassinated by Charlotte Corday, while taking a medicinal bath for his debilitating skin condition."
Painter David went onsite to paint the dead Marat.
"In his death, Marat became an icon to the Jacobins as a revolutionary martyr. For this assassination, Corday (1768-93) was executed four days later." - Wiki
"Under the Second Empire (regime of Napoleon III from 1852 to 1870), Marat was seen as a revolutionary monster (causing too many to the guillotines during the Reign of Terror), and assassin Corday as a heroine of France (as represented in the wall map)."
Thus ended the Reign of Terror.
"Note: the beheaded man is Couthon; Maximilien Robespierre is shown sitting on the cart, dressed in brown, wearing a hat, and holding a handkerchief to his mouth; his younger brother Augustin is being led up the steps to the scaffold."
Source: Wikipedia
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Jean-Paul Maratc (1743-1793) |
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The Death of Marat - Jacques-Louis David (French, 1748–1825) - oil (165 × 128 cm) 1793 - Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium |
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Charlotte Corday - Paul Baudry (French, 1828-1886) - oil (90 x 60 cm) 1860 - Musee des Beaux-Arts (Nantes) |
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The execution of Robespierre and his supporters on 28 July 1794 (ending the Reign of Terror) |
"Note: the beheaded man is Couthon; Maximilien Robespierre is shown sitting on the cart, dressed in brown, wearing a hat, and holding a handkerchief to his mouth; his younger brother Augustin is being led up the steps to the scaffold."
Source: Wikipedia
Painting #D02 - The Bastille Day
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The Storming of the Bastille [on 14 July 1789] - Jean-Pierre Houël (1735–1813, French) - watercolor (51 x 38 cm) in 1789 - Bibliothèque Nationale de France |
The poor:
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Idealized sans-culotte (pantaloons or trousers) by Louis-Léopold Boilly (1761–1845) |
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Une exécution capitale, place de la Révolution (Place de la Concorde) - Pierre-Antoine Demachy (1723-1807, French) - oil on paper on canvas (37 x 53.5 cm) 1793 - Musée Carnavalet (Paris) |
On 30 June 1878, a feast was officially arranged in Paris to honour the French Republic (the event was commemorated in a painting by Claude Monet).
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Rue Montorgueil, Paris, Festival of June 30, 1878 - Claude Monet (1840-1926, French) - oil (81 x 50 cm) in 1878 - Musée d'Orsay (Paris) |
.... is a tricolour featuring three vertical bands coloured blue (hoist side), white, and red,
... which represent liberté, équalité, and fraternité, respectively.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
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The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen - Jean-Jacques-François Le Barbier (1738–1826, French) - oil on panel (71 x 56 cm) c.1789 - Musée Carnavalet (Paris) |
Source: Wikipedia
Monday, July 24, 2017
Painting #D01 - Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette
- daughter of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria- queen consort of King Louis XVI of France
Each single child of the Empress has 5 chambers in this Palace, whereas each married child 10 chambers.
She loved roses.
Their lives were going to be changed drastically around the French Revoluion (1789); L-R:
* Marie Thérèse, known as Madame Royale at court --- to be detained for 4 years before sent to Austria, her mother's homeland, as an exchange;
* the Queen --- to be beheaded;
* the Duke of Normandy on mother's lap --- later Louis XVII in name, but to die of TB/malnutrition during imprisonment after the Revolution;
* the Dauphin is on the right pointing into an empty cradle --- to die of TB shortly before the Revolution;
* the cradle used to show Madame Sophie --- died later in the year and had to be painted out.
Ten months earlier, Louis XVI was sent to the guillotine in a curtained royal coach.
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Archduchess Maria Antonietta of Austria - Martin van Meytens (1695–1770, Austrian-Swedish) - oil on canvas (43 x 28 cm) c.1767 - Schönbrunn Palace (Vienna) |
(L) 15-year-old Louis-Auguste (future King Louis XVI) married 14-year-old Marie Antoinette from Austria, at the Royal Chapel of Versailles, where 6000 guests were received.
(R) The premier menuet from Les Indes Galantes was used in the Marie Antoinette (2006) movie,
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Louis XVI, King of France (1755-1774-1792-1793), wearing his grand royal costume in 1779 - Antoine-François Callet (1741–1823, French) - oil on canvas (278 x 196 cm) 1789 - Palace of Versailles (Paris) |
Yes, both were beheaded in the subsequent French Revolution.
(1755–1842, French)
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Self-portrait - Madam Lebrun - oil on canvas (100 x 81 cm) 1790 - Uffizi Gallery (Florence) |
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Self-Portrait with Her Daughter, Julie - Madam Lebrun - oil on canvas (130 x 94 cm) 1789 - Louvre Museum (Paris) |
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Self-portrait - Madam Lebrun - oil (78.5 x 68 cm) 1800 - Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg) |
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Marie Antoinette in Court Dress - Madame Lebrun - oil (273 × 194 cm) in 1778 - Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna) |
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Marie Antoinette - Madame Lebrun - oil (113 x 87 cm) in 1783 - Chateau de Versailles |
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Marie Antoinette and her Children - Madame Lebrun - oil (275 × 215 cm) in 1787 - Chateau de Versailles |
* Marie Thérèse, known as Madame Royale at court --- to be detained for 4 years before sent to Austria, her mother's homeland, as an exchange;
* the Queen --- to be beheaded;
* the Duke of Normandy on mother's lap --- later Louis XVII in name, but to die of TB/malnutrition during imprisonment after the Revolution;
* the Dauphin is on the right pointing into an empty cradle --- to die of TB shortly before the Revolution;
* the cradle used to show Madame Sophie --- died later in the year and had to be painted out.
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The arrest of Louis XVI and his family – Jean-Louis Prieur (1759-95, French) - etching (35 x 47 cm) 1793-95 - Musée de la Révolution française (Vizille) |
An angry crowd of fervent revolutionaries breaking down doors to arrest the King.
"Marie Antoinette was famously imprisoned in la Conciergerie during the nine weeks before she was beheaded at the Place de la Concorde.
They show a room that is set up like it would have been when she was held there."
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Marie Antoinette being taken to her Execution, October 16, 1793 - William Hamilton (1751–1801, British) - oil on canvas (152 x 197 cm) 1794 - Musée de la Révolution française (Vizille) |
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[A04] Marie Antoinette on the Way to the Guillotine - Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825) - pen & ink (15 x 10 cm) 1793 - Musee du Louvre (Paris) |
Ten months earlier, Louis XVI was sent to the guillotine in a curtained royal coach.
The execution of Louis XVI
Friday, June 23, 2017
Painting #C22 - Death and the Maiden
Egon Schiele
(1890-1918, Austrian)
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Death and the Maiden - Egon Schiele - oil (150 x 180 cm) 1915 - Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere (Vienna) |
The Great War (WWI) was going on. The figures in the painting are Schiele himself and his lover Wally, before his marriage with Edith.
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The embrace (Lovers II) - Egon Schiele - oil on canvas (100 x 170 cm) 1917 - Österreichische Galerie Belvedere (Vienna) |
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The Family - Egon Schiele - oil on canvas (150 x 161 cm) 1918 - Österreichische Galerie Belvedere (Vienna) |
In the autumn of 1918, the Spanish flu pandemic reached Vienna. His wife Edith, who was six months pregnant, died from the disease. Schiele died only three days after his wife. He was only 28 years old. The child in the painting was not born.
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Seated Woman with Bent Knees
- Egon Schiele - gouache on paper (46 x 31 cm) 1917 - National Gallery (Prague) |
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The small town II (View from Bohemian Krumlov) - Egon Schiele - oil on canvas (90 × 90 cm) 1912-13 - Leopold Museum (Vienna) |
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The Hermits - Egon Shiele - oil on canvas (181 x 181 cm) 1912 - Leopold Museum (Vienna) |
Schiele (L) and his respected Klimt (R).
Self Portrait Nude
- Egon Schiele
- Albertina Collection (Vienna)
(L) watercolor on paper (43 x 27.5 cm) 1910
(R) pencil, charcoal, brush & gouache
on paper (56 x 37 cm) 1910
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Egon Schiele monument near the Egon Schiele Museum in the Austrian town of Tulln, where he was born. |
Source: Wikipedia
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