Saturday, December 26, 2020

Portal to Selected Music Videos on YouTube


Middle Ages to Renaissance (5th-17th centuries)
Baroque Era (1600-1750)
Classical Period (circa 1750-1830)
Romantic Era (circa 1815-1910)
Nationalist Movement (mid-19th century)
The Later Romantics (second half of 19th century)
The Early 20th Century
Since World War II

- in alphabetical sequence, other than Mozart:
A to M     O to P     R to W 


OTHERS - by genres:
Silk Road Music
Ballet 2014  2017  2018


Some lectures:
Listening to Music  - an Open Yale Course
Symphony 101 - How to Listen to Classical Music

Monday, November 9, 2020

China's Mega Projects III

超級工程 Ⅲ (2017)

第一集 食物供應

第二集 能量之源          第三集 交通網絡

     第四集 中國製造          第五集 城市24小時


Tesla in China

Friday, October 9, 2020

Qing#04 - Late Qing - 改琦 海上四任





Qing#03 - Mid-Qing - 揚州八怪 西洋技法




* 郎世寧 / Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766, Italian)
* 王致平 / Jean-Denis Attiret (1702-1768, French)
索書號  249.5 8012


索書號  945.07 4611
* 揚州八怪紀念館 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Qing#02 - Early Qing - 四僧 龔賢





* 弘仁(1610-1664)

 清  弘仁《松壑清泉圖》
廣州  廣東省博物館

* 髡殘(1612-1674)

清  髡殘《雨洗山根图》
北京  故宫博物院

* 八大山人 (1626-1705)

- 即朱耷,是明宗室後裔,明亡後削髮為僧
- 八大山人與惲壽平(見前)是清初工筆和寫意花鳥畫的巨匠
清  八大山人 《 双鹰图》
南昌  八大山人纪念馆 

* 石濤 (1642-1707)

清  石濤《愛蓮圖》
Canton Museum of Arts (Canton, Ohio)

Source: Wikipedia

龔賢 具黑白兩種面目

* 龔賢(1618-1689) 

- 早期的山水畫水墨渲染不多,比較清亮,被稱為「白龔」
- 晚期作品則渲染濃重,層次豐富,被稱之為「黑龔」
 [左] 黑龔代表作《夏山過雨圖》  [右] 白龔代表作《松亭遠山圖》

 清  龔賢《山居幽賞圖》
- 水墨絹本 立軸四屏 (316 × 80 cm)x4
- 歐美私人藏家
Source: 每日頭條

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Qing#01 - Early Qing - 四王 六大家




* 王時敏 (1592-1680)(四王之首)

 清 王時敏《秋山白雲圖》
北京 故宫博物院

* 王原祁 (1642-1715)

清 王原祈 《仿王蒙 夏日山居圖》
台北 國立

* 王鑒 (1598-1677)

清 王鑒《溪山深秀圖》
台北 故宫博物院

* 王翬 (1632-1717) 

 清 王翬《匡廬讀書圖》
台北 國立故宮博物院

“清初六大家” = “四王” + 吳 + 惲 

* 吳歷 (1632-1718)

清 吳歷《湖天春色圖》

* 惲壽平 (1633-1690)


清 惲壽平《出水芙蓉圖》
 北京 故宫博物  

Monday, September 7, 2020

Portal to Selected Music Videos on YouTube

Middle Ages to Renaissance (5th-17th centuries)
Baroque Era (1600-1750)
Classical Period (circa 1750-1830)
Romantic Era (circa 1815-1910)
Nationalist Movement (mid-19th century)
* The Later Romantics (second half of 19th century)
The Early 20th Century
* Since World War II

- in alphabetical sequence, other than Mozart:
A to M     O to P     R to W 


OTHERS - by genres:
Silk Road Music
* Ballet 2014  2017  2018


Some lectures:
Listening to Music  - an Open Yale Course
Symphony 101 - How to Listen to Classical Music

Friday, August 28, 2020

Music #512 - Leroy Anderson

Leroy Anderson (1908-1975, American)




Source: Wikipedia


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Music #511 - Instruments - The Voice (SATB pop)

(Operatic) Soprano

(L) O mio babbino caro ("Oh my dear papa") aria 
- from Puccini's Gianni Schicchi opera 
(R) Un bel di vedremo (“One fine day we shall see”) aria
- from Puccini's Madame Butterfly opera 

(L) Musetta's Waltz
- from Puccini's La Bohème opera
(R) Caterina Cavalieri (1755-1801, Austrian soprano)
got the role of Konstanze in
- Mozart's "Abduction from the Seraglio" singspiel
- excerpt from “Amadeus” (1984 movie)

Queen of the Night aria  (coloratura sopranos/花腔)
- from Mozart's Magic Flute opera

Il dolce suono (“The Sweet Sound”) aria
 - from Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor opera 
The Diva Dance aria 
(L) excerpt from the “Fifth Element” (1997 movie)

Soprano duet

(L) “Sull'aria” (On the breeze/微風輕拂) duet
aka "The Letter Duettino" [S-S]
- from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro (費加洛婚禮) opera 
(R) "Prenderò quel brunettino" 
(I'll take the brunette) duet [S-S]
- from Mozart's "Cosi fan tutte" (她們皆如此) opera

Barcarolle duet (威尼斯船歌二重唱)
- soprano & mezzo-soprano
- from Offenbach's "The Tales of Hoffmann" opera
(R) excerpt from "Life is Beautiful" (1997 movie)

(L) "Flower Duet" (花二重唱) [starting 1:18]
(coloratura soprano & mezzo-soprano)
- from Delibes' "Lakmé" opera
(R) British Airways commercial - alternative for fun

Mezzo & alto

(L) 《可可托海的牧羊人》女中音/mezzo

(Operatic) Male singers

(L) "Una Furtiva Lagrima" (一顆偷偷落下的眼淚) aria
- Nemorino in tenor 
- from Donizetti's "Elisir d'Amore" (愛情靈藥) opera
(R) Santa Lucia Luntana
- in tenor
- a Neapolitan (of Naples) song

(L) "An die Musik" by Franz Schubert
- in baritone
- excerpt from "Le maître de musique" 
The Music Teacher (1988 Belgian movie)
(R) "Non piu andrai, farfallone amoroso" 
(你再不要去做情郎) aria 
- Figaro in bass
- from Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro" 
(費加羅的婚禮) opera

(L) "The Frost Scene"
- King Arthur in spoken role
- from Purcell's “King Arthur” opera
(R) "Adagio" 
- Il Divo (3 tenors & 1 baritone)
@ the Roman Coliseum of Pula, Croatia
(Adagio has been commonly attributed to the 18th-century Venetian master Tomaso Albinoni, but actually composed by 20th-century musicologist and Albinoni biographer Remo Giazotto, purportedly based on the discovery of a manuscript fragment by Albinoni.)

(L) "Brindisi" (Drinking Song)
- from Verdi's La traviata opera 
- by The Three Tenors (三大男高音演唱會)
- at The World Cup 1994, Los Angeles
(R) a lyrics video

(L) China's Three Tenors / 中國三高演唱會
(R) a tenor duel

- 作曲:徐沛東、作詞:漢高祖劉邦

(Operatic) Duet

(L) "Here's to Bacchus, Long live Bacchus!" duet
- tenor-bass
- from Mozart's Abduction from Seraglio opera
(R) "There we will entwine our hands" duet
- baritone-soprano
- from Mozart's Don Giovanni opera

- tenor solo (made M-F-M triplet, 嬲 flirtation)
- from Lehár's Land of Smiles operetta
(R) "Brindisi" (The Drinking Song) duet
- Libiamo ne' lieti calici
- from Verdi's La Traviata opera

"Sempre libera" (Always free) duet
- soprano-tenor
- from Verdi's La traviata opera

40 selected arias (soprano/tenor) for 2.5 hours

Pop bass

"Sixteen Tons"

(L) "Oh Shenandoah" 
- a traditional folk song, sung in the Americas
(R) "Autumn Leaves"

(L) "Howlin' Wolf Sings"
- excerpt from "Cadillac Records" (2008 movie)
(R) "Ol' Man River"
- show tune from "Show Boat" (1927 musical)

(L) "Save My Soul" by Blues Saracheno
- main theme in "Men Who Built America" TV series
(R) "Ghost Riders in the Sky"

(L) "Daddy Cool" by Boney M.
(R) "Sound of Silence"

(L) "Drunken Sailor"
(R) "The Wellermen"

Pop solo

  (L) “Barter your heart for my phone #”
(R) “Maria” from 
“200 Pounds Beauty” (2006 Korean movie)

(R) "Papa" by Paul Anka

Besame mucho by Andrea Bocelli

(L)《站着等你三千年》原唱 王琪 - 樂譜
(R)《可可托海的牧羊人》原唱 王琪

詞:(清)納蘭性德 (其父納蘭明珠,乃康熙朝重臣之一)
(R) 《將進酒》

Pop duet

(L) "Remembering - 蘇州河" ("Danny Boy")
by Andrea Bocelli & Na Ying (那英), remotely
- excerpt from "The Eight Hundred / 八佰" (2020 movie)
(R) 羅文 甄妮《鐵血丹心》《 世間始終你好》《 問誰領風騷》

(L) 李淑勤 尹光《火網梵宮十四載 之 庵堂訴情》
(R) "You're the One That I Want"
by John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John
- excerpt from "Grease" (1978 movie) 

(originally by Ray CharlesNice
- excerpt from "The Dream Team" (1989 movie)

Pop chorus

(L) 劉德華x三千歌迷《一起走過的日子》
(R) 伍佰x全場觀眾《浪人情歌》

Paul McCartney et al singing "Hey Jude"

Other voices


The following three scores were originally composed for soprano castratoes, but in modern times are rearranged for other voice types (usually soprano, or mezzo-soprano).   

(L) Handel - Lascia Ch'io Planga (Leave Me to Weep) 
- an Italian-language sopranoaria
- re-enacted in Farinelli (1994 movie) 
(R) Händel - Xerxes (or Serse) opera - Largo aria
- "Ombra mai fù" (“Never has there been a shade”)

(L) J.S.Bach - Cantata BWV 30 - Mvt 5. Aria for Alto
(R) Mozart - Exsultate Jubilate 
(motet for soprano & orchestra) 
- Part 3 is usually sung separately
- where the one single word "Alleluia" is sung repeatedly, 
from beginning to end, in various ways, beautifully.  
This religious solo motet (經文歌) was composed 
when 16-year-old Mozart was visiting Milan. 

A cappella 

The Moon is Walking  
- in the trailer of Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal album 
It is a cappella by a group of South Africans 
called Ladysmith Black Mambazo.



Decani (/dɪˈkeɪnaɪ/; Latin: of the dean) is the side of a church choir occupied by the Dean. (In English churches, this is typically the choir stalls on the south side of the chancel.) 
The opposite side is known as Cantoris (/kænˈtɔːrɪs/; Latin: of the cantor), the side of a church choir occupied by the Cantor. (In English churches this is typically the choir stalls on the north side of the chancel, although there are some notable exceptions.)     - Wiki


Throat singing 

Mongolian khomeii (呼麦)
(L) 《大汗颂》Ode to the Great Khan
(R) "12 Years"
- wooden-fish percussion gives angelic faces

Inuit (an Eskimo tribe) 

Mouth singing

(L) Jazz 'scat singing' by Ella Fitzgerald 
(vocal mimicking of trumpets)
(R) Je veux - a French scat
(vocal mimicking of recorder or suona/嗩呐)

(L) Scottish mouth singing - diddling  
 Puirt a Beul - mouth music
(R) "All 'All's" songs

Swiss yodeling 

The Lonely Goatherd
- excerpt from The Sound of Music (1965 movie)

A doodle by 'amazing girl'
(L) @ AGT        (R) @ Ukraine Got Talent

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Music #510 - Instruments - The Voice (chorus musicals)

The Voice


"A capella"

“Light of Rome” / Dragon Blade Roman song  
- excerpt from Dragon Blade (2015 movie)

- a Gregorian chant (aka plainsong)

- “Sederunt principes” / Princes Sat
- a 4-voice polyphony

- English madrigal

It was written for two choirs: SSATB and SATB; 
the first choir sings the original Miserere chant; 
the other choir, spatially separated, sings an ornamented commentary. 
(L) The Sixteen choir         (R) ....and their score

Mozart - Requiem Mass 
- (Mvt 8) “Confutatis”
(L) excerpt from Amadeus (1984 movie)

Mozart - Requiem Mass
- (Mvt 9) “Lacrimosa”

(L) Johann Strauss II - “Tritsch Tratsch Polka
(R) Carl Orff - Carmina Burana cantata - "O Fortuna"

(L) “White Christmas”
(R) “Only You

(L) “Love Me”
(R) “G.I. Blues”

(L) “I'll Follow Him”
(R) “500 Miles”

(L) “California Dreamin”
(R) “Good Vibrations”

(L) “Wellerman” (Sea Shanty)
(R) "Drunken Sailors”

(L) “Spice Girl”        (R) “Let's Pull on the Two Oars”
(L) “Troika”        (R) “Poljushko Polje”

(L) “We'll Meet Again”          (R) “Candyman” 
(L) “Nobody”                (R) "Answer the Phone"

The Chorus / Les Choristes 
(French movie 2004)

Improvisional chorus
Accompanying your own singing

Background vocals


(L) Verdi - Il Trovatore opera 
- “Anvil Chorus” / Chorus of Gypsies
(R) Verdi - Nabucco opera 
- “Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves” 

Beethoven's Symphony No.9 (aka "Choral")
- in mvt 4, a choral (“Ode to Joy”) is added
 (hitherto unprecedented to a symphony)
(L) Beethoven's Symphony No.9
- excerpts from Copying Beethoven (2006 movie)
Totally deaf then, he conducts as his pretty student signals underground/understage.
(R) "Ode to Joy"
- excerpt from the Immortal Beloved (1994 movie)
Beethoven, then deaf, did not hear the audience applause, 
but was absorbed in recalling his hostile father, 
who used to beat the hell out of him (and box his ears).

"Ode to Joy"
(R) A huge choir of 10,000 singers
- annually in Japan
- during the year-end holiday season
(L) The European Union (anthem)


(L) A Chorus Line (1985 movie) 
- “One”
(R) The Phantom of the Opera (2004 movie) 
- “Masquerade” 

(L) My Fair Lady (1964 movie) 
- “Ascot Gavotte”
- horse race scene at Ascot race court (a show-off of derby hats!) 
- interesting Gavotte song style
(R) The modern and real Royal Family at the Ascot 

(L) West Side Story (1961 movie) 
- “America”
(R) Les Misérables (2002 movie) 
- “Look Down”
- still short of liberté et equalité after 1789

(L) Jesus Christ Superstar (2000 movie) 
- “Hosanna”
(R) Hair (1979 movie) 
- “Aquarius”

(L) Evita (1996 movie) 
- from a flight-fight duet to “A New Argentina” chorus at [2:30]
(Peron got the hearts of the “shirtless”, by having imposed pay raises against the will of the farm owners.)
(R) Chicago (2002 movie) 
- “Cell Block Tango”

(L) Cabaret (1972 movie) 
- “Money Makes the World Go Round”
(R) Student Prince (1954 movie)
- "Drink, Drink, Drink"
- with the tenor voice of Mario Lanza (幕後主唱)