Friday, August 7, 2020

Music #509 - Instruments - Keyboards

Keyboard instrument

Electronic dance pad/mat


Been a “butterfly” on your own electronic dance pad at home?

Upright piano 

(L) The Flight of the Bumblebee 
from The Tale of Tsar Saltan opera (by Rimsky-Korsakov)
- clip from 'Shine' 《鋼琴師》(1996 movie)
(R) Una Furtiva Lagrima 
from L'Elisir d'Amore opera (by Donizetti)
- clip from 'That Midnight Kiss' (1949 film) 
- pianist as accompanist 

(L) Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata - III
- excerpt from “Keys to the Heart” (2017 movie)
(R) Excerpt from "A Night at the Opera" (1935 film)

- a ragtime by Scott Joplin 
(R) resurrected in 'The Sting' (1973 film)
/ 《老千計狀元才》
starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford

Top 10 most difficult piano pieces

Standardized pitch
The letter-name “A” is given to the pitch of 440 cycles per cycle, which is produced by a key just to the right of the middle of the piano keyboard. This is a standard universal measure of pitch.

Grand piano

(including concert grand)

(L) Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto No.1
Excerpt from “Keys to the Heart” (2017 movie)
(R) Vivaldi - Four Seasons - Spring

Chopin - Nocturne No.20 
(L) Excerpt from "The Pianist" (2002 movie)

(L) Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata - I 
- excerpt from “Immortal Beloved” (1994 movie)
(R) Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No.2

(L) Beethoven - Violin Sonata No.5 (“Spring”) - Mvt.1
- who accompanies whom? 
(R) Beethoven - Piano Concerto No.5  
(aka the "Emperor")

Rachmaninoff - Rhapsody on Themes of Paganini 
(Caprice No.24)
- Variation No.18 (of 24) 
(R) Excerpt from the “ Somewhere in Time” (1980 movie)

 (L) Wilhelm Ganz - Qui Vive! Grand Galop 
(R) Chopin - Minute Waltz

The Marx Brothers' piano scene
in The Big Store (1941 movie)

Excerpts from “Secret” / 不能說的秘密 (2007 movie)
(L) Chopin - Valse Op.64 No.2 & Etude Op.10 No.5, 
& J.R. Morton - The Crave
(R) "On shells rain" - four hands - score

30 most famous classical piano pieces


J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue (BWV 565) 


Davy Jones (a fictional character computer-animated) 
in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series


(L) Vivaldi - Four Seasons - Winter

(R) bandoneón, Argentina's national instrument  

Digital piano

(L) Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska - A Maiden’s Prayer
(R) Autumn Leaves




Toy piano


Early Keyboards

(L) Clavichord   
Mozart's B flat Sonata, K.570
(R) Harpsichord

(web photo)

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