Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Music #92 - Napoleon


La Marseillaise, l'hymme national français

a brief story of the national anthem  ("Song of war for the Rhine's army")    
la marseillaise 

Histoire des chants et marches militaires de France 
- French military songs & marches

Napoleon in Egypt   
Jean-Léon Gérôme  (1824–1904, French)
- oil on panel (36 x 25 cm) 1863
- Princeton University Art Museum (New Jersey)

- The Song of Onion - Military March of the Republic & the 1st Empire

La Marche du Sacre de Napoléon 1er -1804 
- his coronation (N crowned himself and his queen consort Josephine, marginalizing the Pope's role)
Le chant du départ / Song of the Departure 
 the official anthem of the First Empire (1804-1815)

La vieille garde / The Old Guard 

La victoire est à nous ! / Victory is Ours!

Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow (1812)
 (1/2 hr) 

Among those who knew him well, Napoleon inspired little personal loyalty: almost all his courtiers turned against him after his defeats in 1814 and 1815, and in both years they forced him to abdicate. (His generals switched their loyalty to Louis XVIII.)

Napoleon made a speech before departing for Elba - slightly simplified for the Waterloo  (1970 movie). 

Napoleon was a great orator
- The speech is followed by La Marche des Eclopés

He was in disguise during the ride to the pier, as he had previously witnessed an angry mob humiliating Louis XVI and brutally killed his Swiss guards. Even that, royalist mobs stoned N's couch, and hanged him in effigy. 

On 20 April 1814 Napoleon was put on board a British frigate for the island of Elba.
departing for Elba
a palindrome by Napoleon

The new prince of Elba was allow to keep his emperor title and bring to Elba 1000 of his old royal guards selected from the farewell ceremony.

“Louis XVIII (a gout-ridden brother of the guillotined Louis XVI) ascended the French throne (by the invitation of the French Senate) after N's exile to Elba in 1814. One of his first objects was to cause to be effaced all the busts and statues of N.”

The nobles and the clergymen in exile during the revolution now returned and reclaimed their former assets, that were confiscated under the revolutionary name of national goods, and rewarded to the new nobles. Further, Louis XVIII refused to pay N the annual pension according to the peace treaty. Encouraged by his mother who said, “Better die with sword in hand, than in an unworthy retirement,” N believed it was time to recover power in France.

N escapes from Elba after 10 months

“On the return of N in 1815, it was discovered that, in the palace of the Louvre, the bust of N was very happily transformed into the bust of Louis VIII by the addition of a wig of plaster.”

La marche de la garde à Waterloo


After losing the Battle of Waterloo, N was exiled to the island of St Helena, where he died in 1821.

Printed on a very much thumbed page of the Fables of La Fontaine, that Napoleon owned at St. Helena:
"The Lion, sovereign dread of forest throng,
Grown old and weeping sore, his strength then past,
By faithless subjects was attacked at last;
Their courage waxing, with his weakness, strong…"

Retour des cendres : the return of the mortal remains of Napoleon I of France from the island of St Helena to France and their burial in the Hôtel des Invalides in Paris in 1840, which was 19 years after his death.
La marche funèbre de Napoléon
Adolphe Adam (1803–1856, French)

“In 1840, Louis Philippe I (King of France, 1773-1830-1848-1850) obtained permission from the British government to return Napoleon's remains to France. His casket was opened to confirm that it still contained the former emperor. Despite being dead for nearly two decades, Napoleon had been very well preserved and not decomposed at all. 
        “On 15 December 1840, a state funeral was held. The horse-drawn hearse proceeded from the Arc de Triomphe down the Champs-Élysées, across the Place de la Concorde to the Esplanade des Invalides and then to the cupola in St Jérôme's Chapel, where it remained until the tomb designed by Louis Visconti was completed.
        “In 1861, Napoleon's remains were entombed in a porphyry stone sarcophagus in the crypt under the dome at Les Invalides.”

Music #91 - Irish stepdance

Irish stepdance
2009 - I like Helene Fischer's singing, too.
Best of the Best
“… a theatrical show consisting of traditional Irish stepdancing, notable for its rapid leg movements while body and arms are kept largely stationary. … Riverdance is, in essentials, the story of the Irish culture and of the Irish immigration to America.”


Want to take some lessons?
* for 30 funny seconds  - I find the second one easier to mimic :-)


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Music #90 - Chinese acrobatic ballet

"A goddess with a thousand hands dance"
Although these performers have poor or no hearing, they have superb synchronization.

Music #89 - Charleston (dance)

Charleston (dance)
Charleston is a city in South Carolina.

Modern professional demonstrations:
The Charleston Dance 
more Charleston
nice dancing legs  
Like the flappers and their costumes?
In the 1920s, shocking their parents with 'unladylike' dances, they behaved as wild girls - smoking, driving, etc.

In the movies:
Ginger Rogers - Roxie Hart - high high-heel skills  
Sophie Marceau - Fanfan - lovely!! 
Renée Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones - Chicago - lethal!!

Mr & Mrs Smith / 史密夫对史密妻
Mondo Bongo 


Something there
I was patrolling a Pachinko
Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone
Hanging out with insects under ducting
The C.I.A was on the phone
Well, such is life
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair, oh

For the Zapatistas
I'll rob my sisters
Of all the curtain and lace
Down at the bauxite mine …..
You get your own uniform
Have lunch times off
Take a monorail to your home
Checkmate, baby
God bless us and our home
Wherever we roam
Now take us home, flaquito
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair

Music #88 - Les Misérables

Les Misérables
​[le mizeʁabl(ə)]

"The June Rebellion, or the Paris Uprising of 1832, was an unsuccessful, anti-monarchist insurrection of Parisian Republicans—led by student societies—on June 5-6, 1832.

"The rebellion originated in an attempt of the Republicans to reverse the establishment in 1830 of the July Monarchy of Louis-Philippe, shortly after the death of the king's powerful supporter, President of the Council, Casimir Pierre Périer, on May 16, 1832. The rebellion was the last outbreak of violence linked with the July Revolution.

"Author Victor Hugo described the rebellion in his novel Les Misérables."
Source: Wiki

Les Misérables (1980) musical
- Film (2012)
* 'I've Dreamed a Dream' sings Susan Boyle in BGT - more than 240 million hits on just one of many videos !!!!!

Singing on Stage (2.5 hr):

Music #87 - Phantom of the Opera movie

Phantom of the Opera - movie  (2004)

The theme on organ - how it can be played



stage trailer (previously a stage musical)

Music #86 - Le Roi Danse movie

Le Roi danse 

/ The King Is Dancing (2000)

A French movie that portrayed the life of Jean-Baptiste Lully, an Italian-born French composer working in the court of King Louis XIV of France, the 'Sun King' who loved dancing.

the best dance scenes

Marche pour la cérémonie des Turcs
a playful version

Louis XIV outlived his son, grandson, and eldest great grandson.
His throne was then succeeded by his younger grandson, Loui

Source: Wikipedia

Rise & Fall of Versailles

Music #85 - Cadillac Records movie

The Cadillac Records movie about making records on blues is very nice.

Re-enacting Etta James in the movie, Beyoncé sang great, didn’t she?
"All I Could Do Is Cry"   
"I'd Rather Go Blind"    
"At Last"   
Howlin' Wolf sings
Little Walter singing "Forty Days and Forty Nights"    
My Babe
meet Willie Dixon
Chuck Berry  --- breaking the racial segregation  

Watch this fabulous movie to enjoy more!

At Last!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Music #84 - Legend of 1900 movie


A very good movie with beautiful jazz, it is about the life of a talented jazz pianist (nicknamed 1900) on an ocean liner.

For your memory refreshment:
* 3 rounds of duels between 1900 and Jelly Roll Morton on the piano 

Piano ride in the storm - you'll have fun, not sea-sick
Playing Love - creating a love melody, as the heart feels

Better still, re-enjoy the whole movie!!

= = = = =
3 rounds of duels in "Secret" / 不能說的秘密 (2007 movie)
        Chopin Etude Op.10 No.5 
Dueling Pianos Competition Scene in "Scott Joplin" (1977 movie)
Dueling banjos in the "Deliverance" (1972 movie)
Inside a cruise ship during storm

Music #83 - August Rush movie

August Rush 

This movie is about a prodigy, looking for his biological parents (a rock singer and a classics cellist).  The boy has a strong flavor of Oliver Twist.

Here are some interesting clips on YouTube:
guitar duo – by a man and a boy just met in a park, without knowing their actual father-son relationship
Raise it up – watching chorus in church
August's Rhapsody – after attending the Juilliard School, the kid conducting his own composition, and attracted his separated biological parents to meet in his audience

Better still watch the whole movie. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Music #82 - My Fair Lady movie

My Fair Lady 

This wonderful My Fair Lady movie (1964) was made from the My Fair Lady musical, which was based upon George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion play.

Some memory refreshers for you:
With a little bit of luck
Horse race scene  A show-off of derby hats at the Ascot Racecourse, song being sung in the rhythm of a gavotte (a French dance popular in the 18th century)
On the street where you live
Get me to the church on time
The embassy ball 

Thanks to Julie Andrews singing in the background.

The best would be to re-watch the whole movie. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Music #81 - The Red Violin movie

The Red Violin 

The Red Violin movie is worthy of watching again. 
To understand the movie, I found its synopsis at Wikipedia helpful.

Here are some wonderful clippings available:
Gypsy violin   

Roma music
“Because Roma (Gypsies) valued the freedom to travel, 
they chose professions that they could practise wherever they found themselves.
They became famous for their music.
Roma musicians have contributed to Hungarian and Spanish music,
particularly the Spanish flamenco style.”

Music #80 - Keys to the Heart movie

Keys to the Heart (2017) movie 

/ 그 것 만 이 내 세 상 / 那是我的世界 /


The movie, in a 10-minute nutshell

Music #79 - Chinese Classical (10)

55.初》 Around 3 AM 
* 駱玉笙 

This rap-singing folklore has been popular in the Hebei province, which embeds Beijing city. In old China, each day has 12 hours:  is 1-3 am and  3-5 am. Without electricity or TV then, daily life started around 3 am. The song sings about the moon, the stars, and the commons starting their daily lives...

The singer holds a slapstick on her left hand, and a drumstick on the other, to do her own percussion. You could also hear an accompanist playing a 3-string lute in the background.  


56.《杜十娘》- singing a love tragedy of a Beijing courtesan in the Ming Dynasty
上海評彈團 - 周紅 徐惠新  

This beautiful courtesan and a cultured student felt in love; then he put his study aside but spent all his money. His father was a respected Nanjing secretariat and would not accept a courtesan as a daughter-in-law. As his father cut off his money supply, she paid for her own redemption.  

They planned their honeymoon in Su Zhou (蘇州) and Hang Zhou (杭州), before he would return home to try face-to-face persuasion. But there and then, they met a rich man, who overheard her singing voice and peeped to discover her superb beauty, and who offered a strong reason and a high price that he could not refuse to sell her.  

The next morning, all dressed up and standing on the deck, she angrily scolded the rich man and her heartless husband; she then threw her jewelry into the river, one piece at a time, before she jumped in to drown herself.

57.《月儿高》The Moon Aloft a pipa moonlight concerto 


58.《孟姜女》- cry song of a young woman whose husband died in Qin's Great Wall reconstruction

After defeating all the other states, Qin the First decided to remove the walls between the states, and to connect the northernmost walls to ward off the northern nomadic, so as to mark his new empire boundary. 

This is a famous story of a Qin-dynasty wife searching for her husband, who was dragged away on their wedding night to repair the Great Wall. 

As this cry song is commonly sung by generations of female beggars (from remote and northern areas) flooding in for food in the richer Chang Jiang (Yangtze River/長江) plains, it picked up various dialects and tunes over time. 

59.《小河淌水》A Running Stream雲南白族民歌
Love song from Bai ('White') minority race in Yunnan province – a girl missing her lover


The dancers enacting the running stream

60.《小白菜》Small Chinese Cabbage 河北民歌    
A girl sings about her dead mother and her maltreatment from her stepmother, who now had her own son.                      

61.满空飞 - Fujian-province-style rap song about a bitter-sweet love story - 福建南音散曲    

In the Tang dynasty, this student traveled to the capital for the national civil exam.  By accident or by destiny, he bumped into a red light house, got charmed by a beauty, and missed the exam. 

After spending all his money, he was expelled from the house, and became a funeral singer.  His father, on a civil servant trip to the capital, found his son an insult to his house, and beat the hell out of him.  

The spoony girl eventually located the boy, now a beggar on the street. She bought her own freedom, cohabited with him, and turned a new leave out of him.  He sat and topped in the next national exam, and was assigned a senior position.

As a former prostitute, she could not be the wife of a senior official.  She insisted on a separation from him; he insisted on giving up the appointment..... 

He father then got a new appointment at the capital.  He was touched by her deeds.  He took his son back, together with his wife.  Happy ending.

= = = = =
客途秋恨》- 广东南音 - a Guangdong-province-style rap song about his dead courtesan lover.
* 劉德華 梅艷芳

Music #78 - Chinese Classical (9)

48.《霸王卸甲》The Overlord Unarms

pipa concerto 
- part 1   - part 2
2200 yeas ago in China, overlord Prince of Chu (楚王项羽) and rival Prince of Han (汉王刘邦) signed a truce treaty.  As the Chu army withdrew, the Han army launched a surprise and fatal raid.
This concerto is about the Prince of Chu losing his last battle.  In section 11 of 16, he sadly bid Concubine Yu farewell, who was both a beauty and a warrior, accompanying him from battles to battles.  She killed herself after her sword dance performance.

In the last section, peace was restored; the Han army was going home (with the head of the Prince of Chu who also killed himself, and with the Chu troops dead all over the battlefield).  

49.《十面埋伏》Ambush from All Sides

pipa concerto
The concerto is from the perspective of the Prince of Han, finishing off his strong rival Prince of Chu once and for all.

Han's chief commander, Han Xin, divided 300,000 into ten armies to form ten coupled ambushes.

50.《夜深沈》In the Dark of Night- Beijing Opera Music 京剧曲牌

项羽 虞姬
Overlord Prince of Chu was being defeated by Prince Han.  His beloved Concubine Yu performed a sword dance for him 'in the dark of night', before she cut her own throat, so that she would not be a burden to his next escape attempt.

guzheng (ancient zither/古箏
jinghu / 京胡

51.《夕陽簫鼓》Sunset Flute and Drum
--- renamed 《春江花月夜》Spring River serenade

pipa  (with beautiful scenery video)

52.《將軍令》General’s Mandate 

* adapted in Once Upon a Time in China movie /男兒當自強主題曲

53.阳春白雪Bright Spring, White Snow     
Please note the finger skills playing this well-known piece on pipa, whilst visualizing early spring’s sunshine on white snow


= = = = =

 erhu / 二胡

《二泉映月》Moon Shadow in the Second Spring
- Erhu is 2-stringed Chinese violin

According to the legend, the famous tea master LU Yu (陸羽) in the Tang dynasty tried out the spring waters of China, and ranked the top ten springs according to the quality of tea they made. The spring that was ranked second is now in a park to the west of Wuxi city (无锡市).

 * 天下十大名泉            * 天下第二泉                         

This piece of sad music was put together by a blind beggar (named 华彦钧), who practiced erhu next to this spring at night.
by the original composer
solo singer
This music uses a 'fish-biting-tail melody': a school of fish, with the tail of one fish in the mouth of the following fish.  That is, the first tone of one phrase is made the same as the last tone of a previous phrase.   樂曲的樂句之間環環相接,連綿不絕,比較典型的[魚咬尾旋律]前一句旋律的結束和下一句旋律的第一個音相同的結構。