Monday, August 22, 2011

Music #70 - Chinese Classical (1)

Illustration of Chinese Music

This and the following 9 pages attempt to give an overview of Chinese classical music, as listed (and numbered) in the book to the left.

Chinese-reading readers could more fully explore the topics by referring to the Chinese book.

A few pieces, (for example, No. 5 below) that could not be located on YouTube, have only their numbers and titles in the caption.  Appreciate that you could let me know, if you find them. ^_^


* art music 雅樂  

Art music [gagaku in Japanese]  was originally a form of Chinese classical music that was performed at imperial courts. Its basic conventions were established 3000 years ago. 

It might be performed for ceremonies in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods or the ancestors. It was also used in diplomatic meetings, and in outdoor activities, such as aristocratic archery contests, during hunting expeditions, and after the conclusion of a successful military campaign. 

When performed, it was stately and formal. It sometimes had lyrics. 

Some form of yayue still survived for imperial ceremonies and rituals until the fall of the Qing Dynasty when the imperial period of China comes to an end. 
北京孔廟【大成禮樂】 - an unsteady camera at the Beijing Confucian Temple

(R) 《清平樂》/《長安訣》
《長安十二時辰》電視片集 (2019) 主題曲


* Song to the Auspicious Cloud  /  卿雲歌 

ROC National Anthem 1921-28
"卿云烂兮 糺缦缦兮 日月光华 旦复旦兮"


03.《诗经。关雎》 'Nice Girls & Nice Boys' in Wordbook


04.诗经。伐檀》'Felling Sandalwood' in Wordbook

05.诗经。硕鼠》'Big Rats' in Wordbook



(左) 山鬼
(右) 湘夫人

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